This Colouring-In competition runs over Summer School Holidays.
1st Prize: Hot Water Beach T-shirt
2nd Prize: Hot Water Beach hat
Our colouring-in competitions follow Toppy, our Yellow-eyed Penguin Park Mascot, on his many activity and camping adventures.
Head to the reception and ask for a colouring-in page.
Once you have completed the page you are welcome to hang onto it or you can return it to reception where you will go in the draw to win some great Hot Water Beach Prizes.
Colouring-in sheets must be handed into reception by 5pm Sunday 9th February to be eligible for the draw. The winner will be drawn on Monday 10th February.
Prizes drawn at the end of the school holidays. Winners will be contacted by email or phone.
Colouring-in pencils are available to purchase at the Shop.